Billy Reid’s Smart Fashion, Meets Smart Data with Tydo

Billy Reid is a men's fashion brand based in the United States with 12 stores nationwide, including a new opening at Abbot Kinney in Venice Beach, California. As a growing, but fast-moving brand they are advancing/targeting to optimize and expand their online presence.






Tech Stack

Billy Reid’s Challenge: Data transparency without the effort 

As the head of ecommerce at Billy Reid, Jeff Gaudette's key measures of success are revenue and profitability growth.

However, to achieve that growth you need to have a source of truth about how your business, in Gaudette’s case specifically the ecommerce business, is performing.  “Being able to actually understand year-over-year growth, and consumer insights like who our top customers are, what they do, what they buy, and how often is all critical to meeting our goals,” Gaudette related. 

To understand all of this the team had built out a custom solution, but not without some manual time and effort. Then, an update to one of the tools in their stack caused some confusion. "When GA4 rolled out we had two Google Analytics instances showing us different numbers," Gaudette explained. “We decided to see if there was a first class solution that could reliably give us the insight we needed.”

Billy Reid + Tydo: Smart Fashion Meets Smart Data  

“I had heard of Tydo before we started looking for something. Originally I thought it sounded interesting, but we had built out that custom database/analytics platform so I didn’t think it was something we needed. But, when that started to break and it became expensive and difficult to maintain, I reached out to the Tydo team and they were quick to help.”

With Tydo Segments, Gdette and team get the granular customer picture they’re looking for without the effort. "Tydo provides us with awesome insight into our consumer," Gaudette said. "We test new tools and marketing strategies, and Tydo gives us the ability to assess and see how much LTV lift we get as a result."

With Tydo's analytics, Billy Reid saw that customers who used the TryNow service shopped more frequently at a higher purchase rate. "That was insight that was only possible as a result of Tydo," Jeff noted.

The Impact: Growing the Ecommerce Machine 

Armed with Tydo, Gaudette’s team is developing new marketing strategies to "push the right products to the right customers, increasing LTV while decreasing our ad spend. We can find our highest value customers, identify their behaviors, and then look to replicate those"

"Tydo provides an efficient way to get impactful insights about our business allowing us to move past the manual discovery process” Gaudette shared. “Which means I save hours of manual effort every week and get to focus more on the interesting part of my job.

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