How On-Demand Data Enables Rapid Testing Across Acquisition & Retention for Jones Road

Jones Road keeps a pulse on KPIs and aligns stakeholders with the help of the Tydo Platform.


Tydo Platform


Beauty CPG


  • Manual data reporting
  • Allocating ad dollars
  • Operational spend 
  • Focus on profitability


  • Budgeting
  • Manual data crunching and reporting 
  • Lack of data clarity


  • Actionable insights 
  • Smarter decisions around paid marketing
  • Cohort analysis: A deeper understanding of customer behavior

Tech Stack

  • Shopify
  • Excel 
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads

Founded by iconic makeup artist Bobbi Brown, Jones Road offers a glimpse into the future of clean beauty and better-for-you skincare. In late 2020, the beauty brand launched with six hero products, and since then, they’ve rapidly expanded their product footprint—most recently into the world of fragrance. 

The Jones Road team is strongly committed to providing an exceptional customer experience. To achieve this, Cody Plofker, their Director of Ecommerce, sought out a data tool that could inform high-performing acquisition and retention campaigns as well as layer their store’s data to develop cross-functional strategies. 

Leveraging Tydo, the Jones Road team can now:
  1. Conduct regular business health assessments using real-time data to identify areas for improvement
  2. Review accurate, up-to-date performance data and analyze trends
  3. Utilize data-driven insights to improve customer experience and drive growth


Every morning, the team at Jones Road runs through a comprehensive business health check, where they look at key data around acquisition, retention, and conversion. More specifically, the team keeps an eye on AOV, CAC, MER, and blended ROAS. For conversion rate optimization, MER and CAC are the team’s North Stars. 

The team wanted to layer their data, noting that it would require robust internal communications and a tool that could provide cross-channel insights. Their existing workflows weren’t cutting it, so they turned to Tydo. 

“When we’re diving into the business we knew it was critical to have access to our top five or six metrics on one single dashboard. It’s absolutely essential to our team’s success.”


With Tydo, the Jones Road team knows where to look, what to test on paid channels, and what actions drive meaningful outcomes. 

Once Jones Road onboarded with Tydo, they immediately began to use the tool as a means to understand what’s going right and wrong across each vertical, particularly customer experience and marketing. 

The team also leverages Tydo to figure out where and when to ask the right questions to form hypotheses around acquisition and retention. Plus, they leverage Tydo’s insights to inform and align with external partners and internal stakeholders. 

Mobilizing data analytics through Tydo has become a crucial component in the process of aligning with agency partners.

“Having the right data is essential for our marketing efforts. Using Tydo, we know where to look, what to test, and what drives meaningful outcomes.” 


The Jones road team leverages their Tydo Platform to maintain a holistic, data-driven approach to all aspects of the business. 

With Tydo, they can keep a pulse on North Star metrics, use these insights to develop and test acquisition and retention initiatives, discover what drives the most meaningful outcomes, and provide clarity and context on performance to all necessary stakeholders.

Using Email Reports, Jones Road ensures that their partners have improved levels of clarity and context around performance expectations, specifically ongoing acquisition and retention targets.

Regarding cross-team communication, Cody leverages Tydo to help educate and inform the rest of the team, including the board, about KPIs.

If you’re looking to ensure internal team alignment on the fundamentals, Cody offers four pieces of advice:

  1. Start by ensuring your products are world-class, full stop.
  2. Create strategies early on to generate organic traffic.
  3. Work towards healthy profit margins as a North Star.
  4. Optimize for strong cohort retention on day one. 
“Retention and acquisition go hand in hand. The better you are at retaining users and driving organic traffic, the more you can spend on acquisition.” 

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