Alex Greifeld

No Best Practices

Alex helps brands grow faster and more profitably by uncovering what their customers care about and how they really behave. She crafts solutions that are unique to each brand's product, positioning and customer base.

Customer Insights

Alex helps brands grow faster and more profitably by uncovering what their customers care about and how they really behave. She crafts solutions that are unique to each brand's product, positioning and customer base.

Customer Insights

Selected clients


As an expert in your space, can you share one small but actionable tip for brands?

Your highest leverage customer retention moment is the first 30 days after the first purchase. If you're building a retention strategy, focus your energy there first.


Who’s your current brand crush, and what do you love about them?

Larroudé footwear. I love that they're blending fashion and a true value proposition. And I also just love the product.


How should someone approach you about working together?

Email me directly at alex and we'll figure out if I'm the right fit for you. I'm booked up through Q1.


What’s your favorite data point to dive into? Why?

I like analyzing raw ecomm transaction data to look at data breakdowns missing from most analytics software.