Maier Bianchi


Maier has two decades of retail and ecommerce experience. He has a sixth sense of how to read what brands need to do to achieve their technology & ecommerce goals. He leads the Bemeir team with passion and empathy toward's their clients' needs.

Conversion Optimization

Maier has two decades of retail and ecommerce experience. He has a sixth sense of how to read what brands need to do to achieve their technology & ecommerce goals. He leads the Bemeir team with passion and empathy toward's their clients' needs.

Conversion Optimization

Selected clients


As an expert in your space, can you share one small but actionable tip for brands?

There is no substitute for talking to your customers. They appreciate the personal touch and you can glean the most useful feedback from those interactions.


Who’s your current brand crush, and what do you love about them?

Olipop because they are applying the DTC food playbook really well.


How should someone approach you about working together?

It all starts with a conversation. We believe in an open-door policy so we love to get to know merchants before beginning a relationship. We have offerings for businesses at all stages of the journey. (Startup, midmarket, enterprise - believe it or not!) The best way to get in touch is to reach out via email or give us a call!


What’s your favorite data point to dive into? Why?

Percentage of returning customer orders. There can be a lot to discern to find the true value of this number, but repeat customers often convert the best, and there is a reason they keep coming back. Use this data to win more people to your brand.